Comprehensible Input, Summer PD for WL Teachers, Teaching Strategies

Discover Effective Strategies for Integrating Novels into Your Upper-Levels Classes While Taking The Path of Least Resistance: Summer PD with Me!

The Path of Least Resistance

Did you know that your high-voltage classroom can run on low-tech bandwidth? We don’t need all the latest apps and bells and whistles to keep class afloat. You may find this surprising, but I rarely use classroom tech apps, and there is a method to this approach. I am not against technology—in fact, I love it! I have several novels, short stories, and resources that explore different themes of technology. However, I’ve discovered the BRIGHT side of a tech-free classroom: and it’s been setting my kids free. Want to know more? Join Meredith McDonald White and I as we talk about the path of least resistance on Friday, May 31st.

Sign up below!

Like you, I love creating opportunities for leisurely reading in the classroom. As a 19 year veteran teacher and as an author of Comprehensible novels, using them in the classroom is a win-win.

But let’s be real, with 30-40 students in the class, it can be an uphill battle. Amidst the complexities of teaching, managing classroom dynamics, the pervasive “Is this for a grade?” mindset, coupled with administrative pressures for “data-driven” results, I’ve developed an engagement tool that not only aligns with acquisition theories but also helps keep me employed! And the good news is I will be speaking LIVE about how I craft and foster student engagement with language-learner literature through reading activities in all modes; we hit on grammar too! This approach has instilled a sense of anticipation and expectation in my students for the learning experience; and it can do the same for your students!

Get $10 off your registration with the code below!

If you’re not going to be at CI Reboot, then you can catch my session at Express Fluency, the annual conference in the cloud later in July. Click on the affiliate code below for details.

Novels and Resources by A.C. Quintero

                        A.C. Quintero Literary Partners!

Command Performance Language Institute

Wayside Publishing

Teacher’s Discovery

The CI Bookshop (Europe)

Teaching Spanish Made Easy (TPT) Catalog

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