Comprehensible Input, TeacherSanity

Designing Lessons With Preserving Your Energy In Mind: Teaching from the Trenches 101 (Sample Routine)

Teaching is a full-on contact sport. We engage yourself physically, emotionally, spiritually, and psychologically. Not many jobs require this type of PREMIUM membership; so, aren't we the lucky ones? Teaching during the pandemic made me realize that my energy reserves were consistently being depleted, with a limited amount of time for replenishment. Like most teachers,… Continue reading Designing Lessons With Preserving Your Energy In Mind: Teaching from the Trenches 101 (Sample Routine)


Why Teaching in This Hyper-Reality Is So Exhausting… And How To Reclaim Your Energy, Dignity & Balance!

This quote, sourced from an article in the June 2023 edition of The Atlantic, deeply resonated with me on multiple levels. While originally referring to the impact of social media and our incessant need for constant entertainment, it struck me how applicable this notion is to the field of education in our current hyper-reality. Reference:… Continue reading Why Teaching in This Hyper-Reality Is So Exhausting… And How To Reclaim Your Energy, Dignity & Balance!